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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Manneke Budiman. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Dilarang memperbanyak isi buku ini, baik sebagian maupun seluruhnya dalam bentuk apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit. Kurnia Ningsih, M. Beliau salah seorang yang membangun dan mengembangkan program studi Sastra Inggris khususnya dalam bidang pengkajian sastra.

Kehidupan akademi terus digelutinya sejak S1, S2, dan S3 dengan pergeseran keilmuan yang mendukung wider mandate yang diperoleh Universitas Negeri Padang, khususnya dalam pembukaan program studi sastra Inggris. Beruntunglah beliau dapat membawakan dirinya pada lingkungan yang menunjang perkembangan keilmuannya dalam meletakkan pondasi program studi sastra Inggris, khususnya bidang kesusasteraan. Walaupun pada akhirnya bertransformasi menjadi salah seorang yang akrab dengan bidang Sastra Inggris, Bu Ning tetap tidak lupa pada akarnya di bidang pendidikan dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Berbekal как сообщается здесь sastra dan ilmu pendidikan bahasa Inggris yang ia miliki, sudah взято отсюда Sarjana dan Magister yang diluluskan lewat tangan dingin bu Ning.

Beberapa mahasiswa tersebut dengan berbagai bidang pengkajian sastra dan pendidikan bahasa Inggris baik pada tingkat S1 maupun S2 menyelesaikan studinya dengan skripsi dan tesis mengenai sastra Inggris dan pengajaran bahasa Inggris.

Beberapa diantaranya ikut serta menyumbangkan tulisan dalam buku ini sebagai bakti kepada sang guru. Bu Ning, juga cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin menghasilkan berbagai karya tulis, buku bidang seperti Cross Cultural Understanding, dan menjadi dosen tamu visiting scholar di Technical University of Braunschweig, Jerman. Pengalaman ini tentunya diharapkan dapat menjadi teladan, motivasi, dan inspirasi посетить страницу источник mahasiswa, sahabat, dan kolega.

Semoga Frestschrift ini menjadi bukti kecintaan teman dan murid-muridnya kepadanya. Selamat memasuki masa purnabakti kepada ibu Dr.

Kurnia Ningsi, M. Semoga terus menikmati kesehatan dan keindahan berbagi ilmu dengan sesama atas karunia ilmu dari Allah SWT.

A, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris yang berniat menghadirkan sebuah festschrift yang memuat tulisan dari sahabat, kolega, dan mahasiswa bimbingan beliau. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan untuk menghormati jasa-jasa beliau dalam rangka pengembangan kelembagaan dan kiprahnya dalam pengembangan pemikiran bidang ilmu kesusastraan di Indonesia. Kegiatan penulisan buku ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan komunikasi keilmuan antarahli bahasa, sastra, budaya, dan pengajaranya di Indonesia.

Buku ini menghadirkan berbagai tulisan dari dalam dan luar negeri yang berjudul "Kurnia dalam Bahasa: Pengkajian Bahasa, Sastra, Budaya dan Pengajarannya". Selain /22475.txt oleh pakar ilmu bahasa, sastra, budaya dan pengajarannya, artikel dalam buku ini juga berasal dari tulisan para mahasiswa yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mendapat sentuhan keilmuwan dari Dr.

Buku ini dipilah menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu bidang sastra dan budaya, bidang bahasa, dan bidang pengajaran. Havid Ardi. Affandi Arianto and Dewi Syafrina. Akhirnya, dalam kesempatan ini, Cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin.

Permohonan maaf juga disampaikan kepada para kontributor karena masih ada ketidakseragaman naskah yang diterbitkan. Editor, Havid Ardi Muhd. Al Hafizh M. Havid Ardi Ririn Ovilia Zaim, and Hamzah Affandi Cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin and Dewi Syafrina In fact, they are nearly overlapping in the lives of society. When language is used for communication, the evaluation not only focus on the language itself but also the characters of the user, even how they think.

The language reflects the attitude, behavior, and belief of the speakers. At least it can be understood that the speakers are honest, responsible, respectable and have self-control as well as care for others. These can be seen through choosing the words, expressions, utterances, pronunciation even intonation they use during interaction. Using language is surely influenced by several factors such as culture, religion and education. Every culture has its own norm, value and belief that lead its members how to communicate with language within its society.

The learners need to understand the culture if they learn another language на этой странице may be different from their own. They have to adapt their behavior to the language their learn. Learning language includes how to behave and build the characters. The government involves the issue of building characters in the national curriculum from the kindergarten to the tertiary level. Keywords: characters, literature, learner, Introduction Globalization tends to eliminate the structure, cultural life and boundaries of the different states.

For instance, Pizza, fast food, Japanese or Chinese even Indonesian food can be found in every country cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin. People use English for communication between two countries even though they are not from England or America.

Thus, English becomes the world /14451.txt where anybody смотрите подробнее use it in all aspects of life. Their English surely will be variety based on their own culture.

It is commonly said that the characters of people can be understood from the way they use language. Hantraits in Leverigde Therefore, the characters such as self-confident, нажмите сюда control, honesty, responsibility, even respectful are reflected during the interaction, especially if the speakers realize, what, when, to whom and why they speak. These are the characters of human being that should be hold as an educated and religious person. These should have been provided by the family since they are children.

Unfortunately, this is not enough to help the generation facing the globalization era. The government of Indonesia anticipates the problem by involving the issue of building character into the curriculum that can be applied for any level of education starting from kindergarten up to University. It is expected that every subject the /3238.txt learn should reflect the building characters. Rai 73 says that Literary texts poem, short story, novel or drama are rich with sociolinguistic aspects.

The text is created by the authors however the language they use represents how people use it originally in daily life. Besides, the literary works deals with the events found in reality.

This paper discusses how the teacher of language especially English provides the students with the material contained the building character. Cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin language the members of society express their ideas, feeling even cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin. They grow up with the language. According to Halliday xvii a language is a system for making meanings: a semantic system, with other systems for encoding the meanings it produces.

The term semantic does not simply refer to the meaning of words; it is entire cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin of meaning of a language expressed by grammar and vocabulary.

Thus, Hallidays argues that learning language is learning how to mean. When people learn language indirectly, they learn the etiquette. According to Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary Etiquette is a set of customs and rules for polite behavior, especially in a particular class of people or in a particular profession.

Thus, etiquette cannot be separated from the language people use. Through language people explore the world.

Furthermore Kecskes 6 says that life and interaction как сообщается здесь the world shapes our thoughts and language. What people of a language community find important to be expressed in their life will definitely be expressed in that language. Thus, learning language does not only deals with the structure and system install zoom for all users on pc it but also how to behave during the interaction.

Thus, the students do not only memorize the lesson but they have to experience so that they are able to apply it in their life. Therefore, the language they learn should prompt and make them eager to apply it for communication. This can be obtained from the literary works. In addition, Nickolayev, et al mentions that there are four components of communication.

Second, consideration for other which means ability to know the need, expectation and motives of the listener. Third, how communication operates, it should be understood that Communication is dynamic, and flexible process so that people have to be alert and adaptable and considerate. Fourth, effective performance which deals with how cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin organize and present the information or ideas.

The students should learn these otherwise they cannot able /2978.txt use language for good communication. There are four aspects of competence should be required by the students, they are spiritual, social, knowledge and skills, including critical thinking and reading DIKTI.

June To fulfil the requirements, the curriculum provides the syllabus for the teachers as a guide in choosing the material for teaching learning language based on genre. Besides, the students have to be able to get the meaning from the text in written and oral. According to Halliday quoted by Kurnia Thus, people speak or write because they want to justify their idea, give information, argue, warn the customer, report or describe things, even just tell a story or make a joke.

These cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin what they students should learn. Based on the curriculum, the students at junior and high school have to study a poem and narrative cara merekam zoom meeting di laptop tanpa izin are part of literary works.


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